Wednesday 26 August 2009

Alexa Chung!

Oh, It's on with Alexa Chung. I mean, really on. Alexa Chung is one of the new fashion icons of 2009. She has such an inspirational style, and has her own talk show on MTV, called (-wait for it-) 'Its on with Alexa Chung'. You can stay up to date with Mtv's blog: What did Alexa wear today? I had such a hard time just picking out a few of the outfits. They're all amazing.

HOTTIE-ALERT. Who is this hottie BTW? JIM STURGESS is his name. I like what I see. I like ALOT.

I think I'm in love. No, not with Jim Sturgess. Well, maybe I am, but im talking about The boyfriend blazer? The Obama t-shirt? Lord, Give me her style, NOW. If I were rich, and had my own talkshow I would probably dress just like her.

Sorry Blog

Dear non-existent readers.

We are sorry for the lack of updates lately. We have been kind of stressed and dealing with personal issues, and the blog has had to suffer because of that.

We will be back soon, and better than ever.