Friday 7 August 2009

Ashley Olsen does Marie Claire.

And she looks friggin' good!

Wednesday 5 August 2009

Shoes, a girls bestfriend!

Did I die and go to heaven? Guess not! I can't afford these shoes, but if I did they would definitely be in my closet.

Can you say: FIERCE?

Or comeback? Well, not maybe comeback. Just 'Out of rehab?'

Lindsay Lohan is on the cover of ELLE UK. And boy, does she look good. I've always been a fan of Lindsay Lohan, might just be because of my undying love for Mean Girls. Lets just hope she gets back on track and brings us Mean Girls 2 or something like that in the near future!

click on images to enlarge.

LC on Americas Next Top Model?

Not as a contestant, but as judge. Not as a permanent jugde because she is on a 'no-reality-show-policy', but just as a special guest jugde in one of their episodes.

Well, I do love Lauren Conrad. Well, not really. Maybe sometimes. Actually I do, Im a total 'Hills' addict.

Tuesday 4 August 2009

Gossip Duff

Shit is about to go down on Upper East Side! Hilary Duff is joining the cast of Gossip Girl.

Even though I have developed a love-hate relationship with Hilary Duff (but I used to LOVE her on Lizzie McGuire, How I miss that show) I am über-excited to the drama to begin. The show airs October 5 in the US, which means it probably wont air in Norway untill next year sometime. God, they're slow.

The ideal woman?

We all know that the fashion industry excists of girls with long legs and skinny bodies. Their diet includes only salad and dietdrinks. In 2006 top model Ana Carolina Reston starved herself to death on a diet which only included apples and tomatoes. She was only 21 years old. This created a huge debate about the modelling industry, and Giorgio Armani said that he would stop producing clothes in the size XXS. Madrid and Milan also banned super skinny models from their catwalk shows.

Should the so called size zero models be the role models for young teens today? Is that a healthy? NO! The 'ideal woman' that young girls are looking up to is neither healthy or good looking, it's not nice almost looking like a skeleton! It's dangerous because young girls develope diseases like anorexia because they want to be as skinny as the models on the runway or the skinny and 'perfect' models in the glossy magazines. But let me tell you something, they are not perfect. It's called retouching!

What do you think about size zero models?

Monday 3 August 2009

Speidi; love them or hate them?

Is there really anyone that are more fame whores than Speidi? Didn't think so!

Lily Allen + Chanel

Lily Allen is going to be the new face of Chanel handbags .. ehm, wtf?

Well, I must say.. I LOVE IT. What do you think??

credits: chanel

Megan Fox

Although she is HOT, Im not the biggest fan of her red-carpet outfits. But this is pretty cute.

Ready for those flashing lights!

The clock turned 7, The lights turned off, Makeup on, Hair done, Outfit questionable.
Its time for GAGA! Lady Gaga blessed Oslo with her presence. And it was AWESOME.
She is one heck of a performer!
Where you there? Do you love GAGA?

Welcome to our blog, Bitches!

This blog is basically about our life and our interests. We made this blog because we are blog obsessed, and we thought that we could do a better job than them!

We use a lot of sarcasm and we have a dry sense of humor. We might use a lot of quotes from our favourite tv-shows and movies, like Ugly Betty, Forgetting Sarah Marshall, She's The Man and The Hills!

The name
We chose the name after careful consideration, because we are fame whores. We love everything about celebrities, their style, life, drama..We sometimes imagine ourselves being on the hills.

Keep on reading our blog, we promise you: it will be interesting!

TTYL Bitches.